Excel Introduction & Basics

In order to survive in the present competitive world, everybody should have basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel. Having knowledge of Microsoft Excel is highly beneficial when applying for a job interview in various industries.

Excel Introduction:

Microsoft Excel is a popular spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft. It is a part of Microsoft Office Suite, including other applications like Word, Powerpoint and Outlook. Microsoft Excel is the most flexible, popular and widely used application in the world. It is a massive application with so many features and commands which gives the ability to execute every task easy and fast including

  • Inventory management
  • Accounting & Billing
  • Data management
  • Creating reports & charts
  • Visuals & graphs

Excel is a spreadsheet that contains columns and rows that allow you to perform mathematical functions. It is valued for its versatility, ease of use and ability to handle a large amount of data. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore the basics of Excel, providing you with a solid foundation to start working with Excel. Check the below important components of Excel to understand it more.

Understanding the Excel Interface:

Cell: Excel spreadsheet is a collection of columns and rows. The point where a column and row meets is called a cell. Each cell is identified with its unique cell address.

Worksheet: A worksheet is a collection of cells.

Workbook: A workbook is a collection of worksheets. By default, a workbook will have 3 worksheets named sheet 1, sheet 2 & sheet 3. You can add or delete worksheets as per your requirement in a workbook. You can also rename, hide and change the order of the worksheets within the workbook.

There are so many ways to open a new Excel workbook. Go to the desktop and simply click the mouse right button to open the menu. Click on New and then Microsoft Excel worksheet to open the same.

click the mouse right button to open the Excel worksheet

This is how it looks when you open Excel. Now we will check the important areas in this screen.

Excel Introduction


A row is a horizontal series of cells in a spreadsheet. A single worksheet contains a total of 1048576 rows. Rows are identified by numbers. Each row has its identification number starting from 1 to 1048576.


A Column is a vertical series of cells in a spreadsheet. A single worksheet contains a total of 16384 columns. Columns are identified by alphabet. Each column has its identification alphabet starting from A to XFD.

Active Cell:

The active cell in Excel refers to the cell that is currently selected in which you can enter or edit the data. The active cell is highlighted or outlined to indicate the cell is currently being edited.

Address bar:

The Address bar or Name box is located on the left side of the formula bar in the Excel window. It will display the address of the active cell or selected cell in the Excel worksheet. If you select more than one cell, then it will display the first cell address in that range chosen.

Formula bar:

The formula bar in Excel displays the content or formula of the active cell. You can use the formula bar to enter or edit the formulas.

Title bar:

The title bar is a component of an Excel window that is located at the top of the window. The title bar displays the workbook’s name along with the application name Microsoft Excel. It allows you to easily manage your workbooks, switch between views and perform various tasks effectively.

Quick Access Toolbar:

A Quick Access Toolbar contains buttons for a set of commands. It allows you to keep all frequently used commands in one place for easy access. It is located on the right side of the title bar and it’s always visible regardless of which tab you’re using in the ribbon.

The major advantage of the QAT is you can customize it depending on your needs. You can add the most frequently added commands to QAT, change its location, remove commands and change the order of the commands and much more.


The ribbon is a key feature of Microsoft Excel and other Microsoft applications that provides a graphical interface for accessing various commands and features. It is located at the top of the Excel window and consists of multiple tabs, each containing related groups of commands.

Status bar:

The status bar is a thin horizontal bar located at the bottom of the Excel window. It displays the status of the selected options and provides quick access to certain settings and features. It enables you to quickly perform calculations, adjust zoom levels and switch between the views in Excel.

Worksheet tab:

Worksheet tabs all the worksheets that are available in the workbook. By default, a workbook will have 3 worksheets named sheet 1, sheet 2 & sheet 3. You can add or delete worksheets as per your requirement in a workbook.

Basics in Excel:

How to Create an Excel Worksheet?

How to add and Delete Worksheets in Excel?

Rename a Worksheet in Excel.

How to Save an Excel Workbook?

What are Rows & Columns in Excel?

Add and delete Rows in an Excel worksheet.

How to add and delete Columns in an Excel worksheet?

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: