Moving the Cursor One Word Left in Microsoft Word

Moving the Cursor One Word left

Moving the cursor to one word left in Microsoft Word is a handy skill that can save you time while editing or typing.

Navigating through your document in Word can be made easier by moving the cursor one word left. It’s like taking a step backward in your text, swiftly and effortlessly.

Here’s how you can do it:

Using Keyboard Shortcut:

To move the cursor to one word left, press “Ctrl + Left Arrow”. This shortcut will shift the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.

Moving the Cursor One Word Left in Microsoft Word

Mastering these keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your editing and typing speed in Microsoft Word, making your workflow more efficient and seamless.

Next time you’re editing in Word, remember this simple shortcut and watch your cursor dance effortlessly through your text.

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