Copying Text in Word Using Keyboard Shortcut

Copying text in Microsoft Word is an essential task, and using keyboard shortcuts can expedite this process. The Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut in Word stands for “Copy” and is an efficient way to duplicate text within your document or across different documents. Here’s how you can do it.

How to Copy Using Ctrl + C:

  1. Select the Text: Begin by selecting the text you want to copy.
  1. Ctrl + C: Once you’ve selected the text, hold down the “Ctrl” key and press the “C” key. This action copies the text you selected.
Copying Text in Word Using Keyboard Shortcut

Benefits of Using Ctrl + C:

  • Saves Time: It’s a fast way to copy text without searching through menus.
  • Easy Editing: Helps you duplicate text easily for different parts of your document.
  • Simple and Quick: Makes copying text a simple task with just a couple of keys.

Remembering Ctrl + C as a Keyboard shortcut for copying text can make your work in Word much smoother and faster.

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